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The collaborators have arrived to the General Chapter!

Updated: May 23

Between May 16 and 18, the collaborators and lay people of the Hospitaller Family will be participating in the XXII General Chapter. The workers were invited to participate in the Hospitaller Project to contribute their views on the projects that are shared for the period 2024 - 2030.

In the opening message, our superior general, Sr Anabela Carneiro, shared with us:

“We are aware that none of what we experienced would be possible without the precious collaboration of those who make up the Hospitaller Community: sisters, collaborators, volunteers, benefactors, friends, and, above all, the people we serve.”

That is why it is with great joy that we welcome the collaborators and lay people of this great hospitable Family, understanding that they are called to be continuators, not only of the activities, but also of the spirit and charisma of our Founders.

Do not forget to pray for all the participants of this XXII General Chapter, so that every step we take is for the glory of God.

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